TELEPHONE MEDIA S.L Mercantile Registry of MADRID, Volume: 34952, Folio: 171, Section: 8 Sheet: M 628656 Insc 1ª. CIF: B87597084 and domicile in C / EDUARDO CHILLIDA 5 C.P. 28880 MECO (MADRID)
© 2010 PHONE MEDIA S.L All rights reserved.
PHOME MEDIA is a registered Trademark of PHONE MEDIA S.L which has created this website, for information purposes, for personal and free use. (Enter use)
1. The intellectual property rights of the Web WWW.PHONEMEDIA.NET, its design, navigation structure, source code with HTML language codes, JAVA, JavaScript, among others, its databases as well as each of the elements In The contents are owned by PHONE MEDIA SL, which exclusively corresponds to the exclusive exercise of the rights of exploitation of the same in any form and especially the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.
2. These general conditions regulate the access and use of the Web site that PHONE MEDIA S.L puts a free disposition of Internet users. Access to this site implies acceptance without reservation. The use of the services offered in this site will also be governed by the conditions provided in each case, which will be accepted by the mere use of such services.
3. Users who access the Web are expressly authorized to display all information,
3.1) Performed when the elements are reproduced are diverted for personal and private use of the user. It is therefore expressly forbidden to use it for commercial purposes or for distribution, public communication, transformation or decompilation, including sending by electronic mail. Likewise, it is forbidden that the contents be ceded or transmitted to third parties and installed on any server connected directly or indirectly to a local network and Internet, so that a group of third parties may have access to such information.
3.2) That none of the contents related to this website are modified in any way.
3.3) That no graphic, icon or image available on this website used, copied or distributed separately from the text or other accompanying images. Any violation of the prohibitions and limitations contained in this section, as well as in any of the following ones – will be considered infringement of the intellectual property rights owned by TELÉFONO MEDIOS SL and its place to the responsibilities legally established for the purpose, being able to be pursued by this Last in the exercise of administrative, civil or criminal actions that, if applicable, correspond.
The User acknowledges and accepts that all industrial and intellectual property rights on the contents and / or any other elements inserted in the Website (including, but not limited to, all those elements that conform the visual appearance, graphic image And other sensory stimuli of the Web pages that make up the website / “WWW.PHONEMEDIA.NET”, trademarks, logos, trade names, texts, reviews and comments, images, graphics, designs, sounds, databases, software, diagrams The content, flow, presentation, navigational architecture, as well as the source codes of the Web pages belong to PHONE MEDIA SL and / or to third parties that have assigned their rights to such website, all those creations incorporated and expressed by Any tangible or intangible medium and / or support, known or to be known, that is protected by the normative provisions in force in Would have intellectual and industrial property.
The mere visualization, printing, downloading or temporary storage, whether in whole or in part, of the contents and / or elements inserted in the Website or in the pages that make it exclusively for your personal, private and Not for profit by the user provided that in any case the origin and / or author of the same is indicated and that, where appropriate, the copyright symbol and / or industrial property notes of their owners appear.
In no case does the access to the Website imply any type of permission, resignation, transmission, license or total or partial transfer of said rights by its owners, unless expressly stated otherwise. The present conditions of use of the Website do not confer to the Users any other right to use, alter, exploit, reproduce, distribute or publicly communicate the Website and / or its Contents other than those expressly provided herein. Any other use or exploitation of any rights will be subject to the previous and express authorization specifically granted for this purpose by PHONE MEDIA S.L or, where appropriate, by the third holder of the rights affected.
The use of such elements, their total or partial reproduction, communication and / or distribution for commercial or lucrative purposes, as well as their modification, alteration, decompilation and / or any other act of exploitation of the Website, its pages and / Or of the contents that are incorporated in them. For any use other than those expressly permitted, it will be necessary to obtain the prior written consent of the holder of the rights in question.
1. PHONE MEDIA SL reserves the right to make, whenever necessary and without prior notice, all modifications and updates to the information contained in its Web site, both in Spanish and in other languages, And presentation of this and the conditions of access. The documents and graphics published on this website may incorporate technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
2. PHONE MEDIA S.L provides the materials and graphics contained in this website without any express or implied warranty of any kind. PHONE MEDIA S.L rejects the existence of any warranty or condition implied by the information contained herein, including guarantees of commercial viability, non-infringement of intellectual property or suitability for any specific purpose.
3. In no case shall PHONE MEDIA SL or its suppliers be liable for any damages, including those resulting from a reduction of profits, business interruption or loss of information due to the use or misuse of the materials Content on this server, even if PHONE MEDIA SL has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
4. PHONE MEDIA S.L does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors in the access to its Web or in its different contents. Nor does it guarantee that it is always and in all cases up to date, but will do its best to avoid, correct or update such content as soon as possible. PHONE MEDIA S.L assumes no responsibility for any of the information contained in other websites to which the Web may refer through hypertext links or “links”
5. PHONE MEDIA SL does not assume any responsibility derived from the concession or contents of the third-party links referred to in the WWW.PHONEMEDIA.NET Web site, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the same that they can produce Alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), documents or files of the user, excluding any liability for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason. Therefore, it is not responsible for the content of any of them, nor for any changes or updates they may experience.
6. Both the access to this Website and the use that can be made of the information contained therein is the sole responsibility of the person who performs it. PHONE MEDIA S.L shall not be liable for any consequence, damage or prejudice that may arise from such access or use of the information. PHONE MEDIA SL is not responsible for any possible security errors that may occur or for any damages that may be caused to the computer system of the user (hardware and software) as well as the files or documents stored therein, as a consequence of The presence of viruses on the user’s computer used for connection to the services and contents of the Web, a malfunction of the browser or the use of non-updated versions of the same.
7. PHONE MEDIA S.L also owns the industrial property rights related to its products and services, and specifically those related to the registered trademark. Regarding citations of products and services of third parties PHONE MEDIA SL recognizes in favor of their owners the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights, not implying their mere mention or appearance on the Web the existence of rights or responsibility of PHONE MEDIA SL on The same, as well as support, sponsorship, recommendation by PHONE MEDIA SL
8. The unauthorized use of any information contained in this Web site, its resale, as well as the infringement of the Intellectual or Industrial Property rights of PHONE MEDIA S.L will give rise to legally established responsibilities.
9. Any type of third party link to this Web should be to the main or input page: WWW.PHONEMEDIA.NET.
PHONE MEDIA SL (hereinafter), as responsible for this website and in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data (LO 15/1999, of December 13) and the Law of the Information Society And Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE 34/2002, of June 11) has implemented policies, means and procedures to guarantee and protect the privacy of personal data of its USERS.
Identity and Management of the File Manager
The owner and person in charge of the file is PHONE MEDIA S.L. Services Provided through the Website through the different areas that are part of this Web, USERS can: obtain information, consult and contract services offered on the Website. The simple navigation through the Web is free and does not require prior registration by the USERS. The only personal data that the person responsible for the file will have access to will be those that are voluntarily provided in order to enable the access, use or contracting of the services provided through the Website.
Data Processing and Confidentiality
The data provided will be incorporated into an automated file, whose ownership and responsibility is presented by PHONE MEDIA S.L, and will be treated with absolute confidentiality.
The entity responsible for the files, as well as those involved in any phase of the processing and / or the entities to which they have been notified – by virtue of the authorization granted by the USER – are obliged to observe professional secrecy and adopt the levels Of protection and the necessary technical and organizational measures within its reach that guarantee the security of personal data, avoiding, as far as possible, unauthorized access, illegal modifications, subtractions and / or loss of data.
However, it is advised and informs USERS that the technical measures are not infallible or impregnable, reason why, the person in charge of the file can not be held responsible for such practices or their consequences.
When sending the interested party their personal data and e-mail to PHONE MEDIA SL expressly AUTHORIZES the use of such data for the purposes of periodic communications, including expressly those carried out via e-mail, that PHONE MEDIA SL or the subsidiaries Of PHONE MEDIA SL carry out with their clients and collaborators and potential interested parties informing them of their activities, news, courses, promotions, as well as any offers of services and products related to the activity that develops. The interested party may exercise with respect to their data the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by sending an e-mail to the following e-mail address requesting, if appropriate, that they be sent by the same way their personal data that they work in the files of PHONE MEDIA SL for the purposes of your query, or its possible rectification or cancel and / or revoke the authorization for the reception of communications, and notify PHONE MEDIA SL the actual rectification and / or cancellation of personal data of Your file.
The personal data of the USERS, together with those that originate as a result of the access, use or contracting of the service, may only be subject to automated processing and assigned in the form and for the purpose established and expressly authorized by the USERS.
Segmentation and Categorization of Data
The registration of the personal data provided at the time of subscription or contracting of courses, seminars, publications, products or other services, and any other facilitated during their relationship, will also include the voluntary acceptance on their part regarding the treatment of said Personal data by PHONE MEDIA SL in order to be segmented or categorized in order to apply them to the activity related to the management of general administration, information, marketing of our services, elaboration of profiles, analysis of proposals requested by USERS / CUSTOMERS, study Statistics of the services and contents used, tastes and preferences, surveys or forms.
Data Communication
The provision of personal data by USERS also involves the voluntary and express acceptance of the assignment and transmission of such data, with the same purposes as those indicated above, to other entities in the PHONE MEDIA SL environment, assistants and / or collaborators, as well as Such as authorizing the person responsible for the file to receive information from the mentioned entities in the environment PHONE MEDIA SL in their archives, even interconnected, for the purposes indicated.
PHONE MEDIA S.L will send to third parties information that allows their identification when:
– We have obtained your permission to share this information.
– We need to share this information to provide you with the product or service you have requested.
– We need to send this information to companies that work with PHONE MEDIA S.L to provide you with the product or service you have requested. (Unless we inform you otherwise, these companies do not have the right to use the identifying information that we provide you with more than enough to help us).
– Respond to subpoenas or legal requirements, as well as court orders; Or when we believe that your activities on our websites violate any of the instructions for use of our products or services.
Rights of the Interested and its Exercise
The USERS have the right to access, rectify, cancel and oppose, as the case may be, their personal data and the use, categorization and / or segmentation of personal data.
The interested party may exercise, with respect to their data, the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by sending a letter to Data Protection. WWW.PHONEMEDIA.NET C / EDUARDO CHILLIDA, 5, 28880-MECO (MADRID) or to the electronic mail INFO@PHONEMEDIA.NET requesting, if appropriate, that they be sent by the same way their personal data that they work in the files of PHONE MEDIA SL for the purposes of your query or possible rectification or to cancel and / or revoke the authorization for the reception of communications, and notify PHONE MEDIA SL the actual rectification and / or cancellation of personal data of your file.
We inform you that we use cookies to personalize the advertising and content you see when browsing, to satisfy your demands on some products or services and to inform you about special promotions and new products and services, to outline and improve our relationship with the USER and adapt Also to its technological means. This information includes your IP address, cookie information PHONE MEDIA S.L and the pages you have visited. The USER has the possibility of configuring his browser to be notified of the reception or, if necessary, rejection of the receipt of cookies on his hard disk, having to consult to this effect, the instructions and manuals of his browser to extend this information.
PHONE MEDIA S.L uses this information:
Links to other Websites / Hyperlinks.
This website uses hyperlinks that allow the USER to redirect to third party Websites. PHONE MEDIA S.L will not, in any case, be responsible for the content, information and / or services offered nor for the security measures established in the Websites to which the USER has been able to access through the hyperlinks established in the Website. PHONE MEDIA S.L Likewise, PHONE MEDIA S.L is not responsible for the security measures taken by any other website that allows a link with ours and to which the interested party accesses under his exclusive responsibility.
Modification of the Data Protection and Privacy Policy
Finally, we inform you that the person responsible for the file reserves the right to modify the present privacy policy in order to adapt it to the latest legislative or case law, as well as to the modifications or practices of the industry, although it will be advised, in due time, of the Changes that will be introduced and the moment they begin to take full effect.
The people who receive some of the communications, information, bulletins, electronic publicity of INFO@PHONEMEDIA.NET receive them for the following reasons:
– By registration online from this page.
– By online registration from the pages of collaborators.
– By request of information of our products and services.
– For providing your information to any of our Employees or Employees.
– By registering off line when completing forms, newsletters, applications, etc., that are offered in fairs, offices, collaborators and that are archived for further verification for 5 years
Our communications do not want to reach any person who does not want it, therefore, and to be able to correct the situation that sometimes can be given that someone can discharge another without your consent, we have incorporated into this subscription system a filter Based on a “non-contact list” that prevents the discharge of any email address included in it.
Therefore, if you do not want to never receive our communications and prevent anyone from registering against your will, please send us an email to INFO@PHONEMEDIA.NET indicating in the SUBJECT: “LOW LIST” and we will include in the “Non-contact list” that address from which this e-mail is sent to us.
If you have any problems to do so electronically, do not hesitate to contact us on the phone (+34) 912655999 during office hours, where a person will attend to you personally and perform this procedure.
The applicable Law in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this Legal Notice, as well as any question related to the services of this website, will be the Spanish.
For the resolution of any conflict that may arise during the visit to the web, PHONE MEDIA S.L and the user agree to submit to the judges and courts of mercantile of MADRID
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• Acrobat Reader: For reading documents in PDF format.
• Macromedia Shockwave Player 8 + Macromedia Flash Player 5: For viewing pages and SWF.
• Quicktime Freeplayer: To view videos of various formats.
• RealPlayer: For access to content in streaming audio and / or video.
• Windows Media Player: To access content with numerous audio and video formats.
Icons: www.flaticon.com License: CC 3.0 BY
Copyright: Design and development by PHONE MEDIA S.L © PHONE MEDIA S.L all rights reserved.